Day by Day the Farm Girl Way...

On an overcast and calm Sunday afternoon in late September, I succumbed to the urge to go for a walk in the woodlands to the west. With my camera in tow, I crossed the barbed wire fence into the nearby pecan orchard and chose to follow the well-worn path of an animal trail along a fence line. I generally find the animal trails yield the easiest path in any direction. Even in the darkness of heavily wooded areas where little plant life exists, animal trails wind around trunks and over fallen limbs, usually taking the traveler on the quickest, or at least cleanest, route. These many trails make up a secret world of arteries and thoroughfares that lead to places unknown.

The fence line trail I chose this day, was not a new trail for me to traverse.  I had been this route many times before, having first walked this particular path the spring we released…

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